I personally have to make a choice about what I'd like to do with my stuff on the net. I've noticed that my biggest talent is music-making (although the process is very slow), and that is the ONLY active section on my old, old page. I could make that the front page and stick with that, but other ideas come to mind...
1) I make jeffreyatw.tripod.com into a webcomic (a snappy title I've been thinking of is "You Had to Be There," indicating the main type of humor U_U)
2) I start writing all my blogs (like this one, only more personal) at jeffreyatw.tripod.com, leaving this site with barely ANY content from me and perhaps bringing ONE more visitor to my old site)
3) I just keep writing personal stuff here, providing useless content yet prolonging the very life of this site.
So far, I've chosen option 3. Now that I think of it, there's nothing wrong with writing stuff here. Hell, we've already lost lots of visitors who've noticed there's not much content gushing in anymore.
...BTW, we're still accepting contributions.