I just got the urge to rant, so here's an incomplete, incoherent, and small rant about "freedom."
Ever since the days of the Bible, freedom has been looked upon as a thing to treasure and cherish. Everyone wants to be free. Moses set the Israeli people free. The slaves of America were set free. Wars have been fought for freedom, and won.
But Moses' people spent 40 years in the desert afterwards, with their newfound freedom, trying to find their way. Some even wanted to go back to Egypt, where they were better kept and fed. Why? Because this freedom that Moses had provided left the people with no guidance, and no reason to live.
According to Janis Joplin, "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." If so, that means you care not about family, friends, possessions, social value, reproduction means, or even SURVIVAL means. Biologically speaking, no one is free. We're all obligated to survive, and ultimately, reproduce. What we do to customize and personalize this bondage is ART. For example, art can be painting, acting, music, design, or something as simple as putting a picture up in one's office. (This is explained in more detail in
Scott McCloud's
Understanding Comics.)
Of course, art has its obligations and limitations as well. In a "free" world where
art still existed, people would almost instantly fall back into bondage with the demands of people around them.
In conclusion, real "freedom" can never be achieved. Actually, there is one way: death!