I've noticed that it's a good idea to get OFF the computer when you feel you don't want to do anything on it... or else you start getting really really depressed.
Not that I ever get depressed! Because I'm happy! :) :) :)
To prove that I'm setting my priorities straight (since I want to please Dad so he doesn't forget that he is GETTING ME THAT DAMN PS2 TOMORROW), I actually got off the computer at the right time and watched South Park. Using his new wireless headphones, too! I love you, Dad. Please wake me up before 10 so I can get in line at Best Buy to buy a PS2.
I'm getting really tired of making all those MP3's of 4-16-01. They're really funny (to people at my school), though.
Speaking about that, I've noticed something bad... only people who go to TL actually understand all the stuff we're writing, despite the Frequently Mentioned Questions and stuff. ...That's a bad sign. Maybe I can start an EZBoard for it so people can voice problems they have with the site. I should stop blogging and do so now... but... must... keep... blogging... fun... I think...
I had three simultaneous conversations with people this evening about how they think they're the wisest person in the world, but how they're wrong and I actually am. Hunh. Some attitude these people have. All haughty and such...
All right... getting an EZBoard... NOW.