I'd like to reply to both of the previous posts by replying, but FTP access to my PHP server is too clogged up. So I'll reply here.
First to Bob's:
Well, sorry for your loss... I hope I (or anyone I know) don't have to die that way. Must've been hell for your grandma while she was alive, if she could even notice she was really even going through hell, or if you would even have called her alive then, as you said. It reminds me a bit of the movie Steel Magnolias (see it, it's pretty good), not that that's the exact same thing that happened.
And then to James's:
Talent show zuh? Eh, I would have wanted to do that. And that's probably the same reason that I like Cross Country and Track - because people don't depend on you as much. Refer to Calvin and Hobbes for more insight on organized sports. And I can't download the compilation video because ~(wtf) I'm on 56K now and ~ my other Cable computer has screwed up codecs so I can't watch WMVs.
All right, now for my own stoly: MY PERMIT'S VALID AND I CAN DRIVE!!! W00!!! WITH MY MOM!!!
Early this morning, I had behind-the-wheel driving training with some
TL dropout who's really good at driving (hence her job). Driving is really easy, but watching for Stop signs and speed limits is tiresome, and I get a bit stressed whenever I pass a car or it's behind me. But with two more lessons and my DMV test a half a year away, I'll get it down in no time. I already drove my mom to Vallecito Elementary School a few blocks away today, where we picked up my sister who just graduated from it.
Then I went swimming, but my sister was in the car on the way to the pool, and it's illegal to drive minors, so I couldn't drive there. But I'm already establishing a sense of FREEDOM!!! OF AMERICA'S BEST WARRANTY!!!
Which brings me to my next topic - T.V. and Calvin and Hobbes.
Calvin and Hobbes, despite it only being around from 1985-1995, is by far my favorite comic strip. Bill Watterson, the author of the strip, although arrogant, is very insightful, and his comics strive to escape the torture of last-minute gags and punchlines. If people actually
took comics more seriously, one could learn lots from the strip. For example: I never noticed how stupid television is OVERALL until Bill Watterson shoved his thoughts in my face. And now I have reason for not having watched it much for the past 5 years, besides the escape to the internet that everyone's made. But the only bad thing about Bill Watterson, as I said before, is that he has a very large ego, and low self-esteem. He puts down his previous works, but still boasts about himself, and he constantly mentions that other strips are saccharine and not "art" by definition, without giving examples. But heck, I can't argue with him, since he's stopped making comics long ago.
I beat the Bouncer again, and I can play as Leann! Whee!